Friday, October 16, 2009

Today is the dreaded day...

Today is shot day!!! I do NOT like these days what so ever!! We get 6 month shots today. But then we get to go home and play for the rest of the day!! I am hoping that they bounce back like they did with there 4 month shots. I will give a complete update, come Monday! I am hoping to take them to the pumpkin patch tomorrow, if the weather holds off. We will see!!

I took this last night.. they are sooo sweet, I could eat them with a spoon!!!
p.s. Im going by my self, so say a quick prayer, momma (aka ME) does ok with out assistance!!!

1 comment:

Paula McKaughan said...

Praying for all three of you! I'm sure they'll be just fine. Just wait until they are 4yrs and you have to literally hold them down for shots...UGH...NO fun!!! Give them both big kisses from Aunt PJ! I love you all!!