Saturday, October 10, 2009

I'm fixing to be in BIG trouble...

I took these pictures last night. As you can see, I'm fixing to be in big trouble when these two decide to really get after it!

This was right after they ate, so excuse the diaper look!

ooops my foot got into the pic, but Easton is up on all fours scoochin around.

and this little angel is mostly rollin but he does try to crawl. He is doing to lunging thing.

Oh how exciting my life is fixing to become!!!!


Paula McKaughan said...

Fasten your seatbelt's fixing to be a wild ride...LOL!!! (Best thing we ever spent money on was the "doggy" gates to keep them out of certain areas)

kim said...

Oh dear. You probably don't actually realize just how right you are. Lol
The two little guys will be on the move very soon. You'll want to go to work to get rest. ha

Bluecastle said...
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