Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pulmonologist appt.

I took Camden to his Pulmonologist appointment, Thursday, Sept. 16th. It went surprisingly well. Dr. B is a great doctor and very easy to talk to. We talked about everything under the sun and back tracked all the way through my pregnancy with the boys. She pin pointed it down to when Camden had RSV back in Feb.-Marchish. Then of course he had a spell at the end of May and then this past one, 2 weeks ago. She listened to him breathe and finally came to a conclusion that he has asthma. I was kinda expecting this diagnosis. She was more concerned about him getting so sick, so fast. And she is right, in the past 2 times that Camden has gotten sick he has been admitted to the hospital within about 24 hours of me first noticing any symptoms. Which is SUPER scary!!!!  So as of now he is on 2 different types of breathing treatment medicine, one of them in 2 times a day and the other is 4 times a day. A prescription nose spray twice a day and a dhistimine syrup twice a day. We go back to Dr. B in 2 weeks if he isn't showing signs of improvement and if he doing good on these new meds we go back on Oct. 21st.

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