Saturday, September 18, 2010
Pulmonologist appt.
I took Camden to his Pulmonologist appointment, Thursday, Sept. 16th. It went surprisingly well. Dr. B is a great doctor and very easy to talk to. We talked about everything under the sun and back tracked all the way through my pregnancy with the boys. She pin pointed it down to when Camden had RSV back in Feb.-Marchish. Then of course he had a spell at the end of May and then this past one, 2 weeks ago. She listened to him breathe and finally came to a conclusion that he has asthma. I was kinda expecting this diagnosis. She was more concerned about him getting so sick, so fast. And she is right, in the past 2 times that Camden has gotten sick he has been admitted to the hospital within about 24 hours of me first noticing any symptoms. Which is SUPER scary!!!! So as of now he is on 2 different types of breathing treatment medicine, one of them in 2 times a day and the other is 4 times a day. A prescription nose spray twice a day and a dhistimine syrup twice a day. We go back to Dr. B in 2 weeks if he isn't showing signs of improvement and if he doing good on these new meds we go back on Oct. 21st.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Oh No! Not again....
The above title was my reaction to Camden being put back in the hospital last Tuesday.
Yep, he has been in the hospital twice in the last 4 months. Not good!
It all started last weekend. Well Sunday really, he just didn't feel good and was a whiny hiney that night, so I let him sleep with me. Then on Monday, oh my! You could just tell he didn't feel good. He was very congested. So I started doing breathing treatments, know that it was a holiday and that the Dr. wasn't in. I felt that we could ride it out by doing breathing treatments and little noses and lots of snuggling. That night he slept with me again. And we were both up all. night. long! He was not feeling good, now running a fever, and I was counting down the minutes till when he could have another breathing treatment. At one point I started getting ready to take him to the ER. But instead gave him a breathing treatment, since it was 4am. So 6:30am rolls around, and Cam is sleeping, finally. He had a rough night. So I decide to get ready for work and make him a DR's appt. when I got their. My mom showed up to keep them for the day and I instructed her to not to wake him, but to give him a breathing treatment at 8:30 am even if he was still asleep.
She calls me at 8:30am. Not a good sign, my mom NEVER calls me. She goes on to say that Cam isn't doing good at all and that he needs to go to the Dr. So I call the Dr's. office back,(I had already had a call in), and tell them if they didn't get me in now, that I would just be seeing the Pedi in the ER, because that's where I was headed! They told me to come right away.
So we get to the Dr. and stick the pulse ox on him.... 87 percent! This was 9:30, exactly an hour after his last breathing treatment. This wasn't good. Dr. Connor calls for a kick a** breathing treatment (his words not mine) and it raises it to 92 percent.
Oh and by this time, Camden is feeling great, doing his "happy dance," climbing up in Dr. Conners lap and just a talking and singing. All while his pulse ox was any where from 88 to 92.
Dr. Conner just kind of sat their and watched Camden. I could tell he was kind of lost for words. Here was a pretty sick kid, but not acting like it at all!
Soooo, after about 5 minutes of talking about his symptoms and the night we had, he said those dreaded words, "I am admitting him." His reasoning was he didn't think that he was breathing good at night, and I know that he wasn't, and he thought the pneumonia had come back because of his breathing.
Sooooooo..... back to the hospital! We were even in the same room we were in last time! What are the odds?
Dr. Conner was right, his oxygen level did drop that night. So much in fact he had be put under the oxygen tent. It was kinda scary to tell you the truth. It just seemed like as soon as he went to sleep for the night, his oxygen level just kept getting lower and lower. I finally just scooped him up in my arms and ran into the hall way to grab a nurse. We got the tent all set up and then continued to say up till 2am.
Fun times, let me tell ya!!

Hanging out watching TV and flirting with all his nurses! (and all these pictures were taken with my phone.)
Anyway the next day, he did really good. He levels stayed up on his own during his naps, which in turn got us released around 3pm. yay!!!
Hanging out watching TV and flirting with all his nurses! (and all these pictures were taken with my phone.)
Now we have a Pulmonologist (lung doctor) appt. for tomorrow the 16th.
I will update after that appt.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
17 months!!-Sept 3rd.
I felt like the worst mother of the year when I realized that I had forgotten to take pictures of the boys on their 17 month birthday. I have ALWAYS taken pictures on the 3rd of every month with out fail. Well except for this month. But I guess I have a pretty good excuse. I was at home sicker than a dog that day. I hardly ever miss work because of me. But I did that day. Man alive I was feeling some kind of bad! But I made up for on Saturday, the boys and I got out and about and when we got home I took a few pictures of them playing out side.

say cheese!
i love this picture...
Easton-im not sure why, but this picture cracks me up...
What are yall up too??
-both starting to talk more and more to each other...
-both still taking yalls diaper off at nap time and bed time...
-both love playing outside...
-both still loveing your baths
-Easton is in 24 month to 2T clothes and size 6 diapers
-Camden is in 18 months and size 5 diapers...
-Camden is talking more and more.. just the other day he FINALLY said "momma"-my heart melted!!!
-Easton says many words-his new latest and greatest his "bobby" which he calls Robby, as in, instead of daddy... ooppss!!! HA
-Camden has 10 teeth-his 2 top molars finally popped through.
-Easton has 12 teeth
- they have started eating with their forks.. they are getting the hang of it pretty fast!
- they love to brush their teeth.. so cute!
-they both have been really good the last 2 times weve have gone out to eat.. knock on wood!! HA!
-Camden has had his 2nd hospital stay. more about that in a later post.
But above all, they are still the light of my lives!!!
Saturday, September 4, 2010
flip flop, flip flop, flip flop!!!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Just a phase??
A couple of times this past month, I have went in to check on the boys before I go to bed and have found them like this...


And sometimes its not all cute. A lot of times I will go in their and it will be too late, if you know what I mean. Their have even been instances where, I have gone to get them up from a nap and they have pooped everywhere! So GROSS!!!
So needless to say, they both go to bed with their diapers on backwards, even under their pajamas!


And sometimes its not all cute. A lot of times I will go in their and it will be too late, if you know what I mean. Their have even been instances where, I have gone to get them up from a nap and they have pooped everywhere! So GROSS!!!
So needless to say, they both go to bed with their diapers on backwards, even under their pajamas!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Camden, Easton,"J", Parker, Preston and Presley!!!
A couple of weeks ago, I baby sat some of my dear friends kids for a little while. We all had soooo much fun!
BBBBUUUUTTTT! This momma aint going to be having no more kiddos after this fun experience!
These memories are still fresh in my brain! HA!!
But seriously, God bless all you that have more than my 2 little ones. I truly look up to everyone of you. I don't think I could do it. Well maybe I could, and Im sure I could. But still, you know what I mean, Jean!
BBBBUUUUTTTT! This momma aint going to be having no more kiddos after this fun experience!
These memories are still fresh in my brain! HA!!
But seriously, God bless all you that have more than my 2 little ones. I truly look up to everyone of you. I don't think I could do it. Well maybe I could, and Im sure I could. But still, you know what I mean, Jean!
Parker and Preston are identical twins, I counld not tell them apart to save my life. I kept having to ask their big sister, Presley, who was who! HAHA!
Big sister Presley! (with "J" in the background!) She was a HUGE help! She is also like a 2nd lil' momma to them. They arent going to be able to get by with nothin' when they are older! ha!
the only picture of all 6 kiddos together!
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