by this time....

So mommy did this.....

While watching the....

Yup!! thats the Food Network channel!!!
Easton HAD to eat as soon as we got there!! LOL! So Ms. Loretta fed him for me!
That's right, I found my self changing Camden's first blow out diaper. I have heard other moms, ie: Mitzi, talking about such diapers, but had never experienced one myself till Saturday, in OLD NAVY, of all places!!! i thought that such experience would happen at home, or at my moms, or any other place other than a PUBLIC place! No such luck!! Well we got that cleaned up, and went on our way to TJ Maxx, and then on to Cheddars to eat! I couldn't ask for better boys!!
Notice the different outfit from brother because of the above incident!!!
My sis and cousin!
After Cheddars, we hit up Target before heading home. While walking out to the car, this is what we saw....
A gorgeous sunset after a wonderful day with 2 of my best friends and my 2 favorite boys!!