Monday, July 5, 2010

First Hair Cut...

This is a bitter sweet post for me. I am not sure why, but the boys seem to be growing up way to fast now these days. First the bottles,(I am going to post about those later!) and now the haircuts! And also because these pictures aren't really of their "first" haircut, but of their "second" hair cut, because someone, who shall remain nameless, cut their hair to get it out of their eyes, and that resulted in Easton looking like a little girl. Don't believe me, take a look...

what did I tell you!

Yes I know, baby, mommy is (was) crying too!!

While you are still laughin', because I know you still are, let me show you Camden's hair, now not near as bad, but still cut none the less...

all his curls, GONE forever!!!!! i know, i know a bit dramatic!

But to go from this..

to this...

is down right heart breaking...

So Saturday morning, July 3rd, I made them an appointment with my hair dresser to get it fixed...

When we got there, Lori was cutting another ladies hair...

so we posed for a couple pictures..

And then it was time!!!

Easton went first, and started off in the chair by himself, but i then joined him, to help Lori out..

the first snip...

Camden went next and i just put him my lap and snapped a couple of pics in the mirror.. This was the best one...

The finished product! Don't they look handsome!!!

They did soo good, they didn't cry or throw a fit. I was sooo proud of them!

1 comment:

Lyndee said...

Their hair looks great!!! I can't tell you how hard I was laughing reading your post....I love your posts, but I think this is my fav!!!